Enjoy Erotic Massage

I am a lady in my 50s. I enjoy giving erotic massages to mature clients. I've relocated to the Cheshire area, near M6, Stoke-on-Trent, The Peak District, and Crewe. Appointments are at my therapy studio at it's High Street location near j16 of M6. Bookings in advance via my website: link is below Car Park What 3 Words: intersect.public.link

Contact me to book

Emailing me?
I am taking bookings. Book via the diary link on page 2 of my website UkLingamMassage.co.uk

Friday 11 October 2024

Will an Erotic Lingam Massage Cure Erection and Ejaculation Problems?

 Massage should not be the only thing you rely on for a treatment.

If you have erectile dysfunction it might be a temporary problem, perhaps related to stress. But if it persists, it is vital you talk to a doctor about it.

Massage/stimulation might be a part of the treatment prescribed by your doctor as part of some treatment regimes. But don't self-prescribe without getting yourself checked out.

I also get enquiries from men who suffer with premature ejaculation and other ejaculation issues. You can visit me but I can't promise a cure. I can't diagnose the cause.

Again, see a doctor. 

Make sure you understand and treat the root cause of your problem.

Lingam Massage is a treat that might also be a part of your treatment but it will never be a magic cure.

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Public Opinion Is In Favour of Keeping Sex Work Legal

 Having sex for money and paying for sex, AKA prostitution, is legal in the UK for both the punter and the worker.

There are rules! 

Some things are against the law, such as bottles, pimps, and doing the trade out in a public place. But the general principle is that we can LEGALLY offer services with our bodies if we want to.

"Hey, babe. Wanna good time?"

Soliciting on the streets isn't allowed, and approaching people to ask for prostitution services is also a crime. 

Controlling one or more prostitutes is called pimping, and that's against the law too. 

Running a brothel isn't acceptable, and that also means two women can't even share work premises for safety and cost-cutting economies of scale.

"Business, mister?"

It is LEGAL So long as it is out of sight, off the streets, not causing a public nuisance, and doesn't involve trafficked women or underage kids.

And then, next-to-no-one cares.

In fact, British people think sex work conducted in a private place between consenting adults is perfectly acceptable and should be legal.

Women Should Control Women's Bodies Not the State

A big survey conducted earlier in 2024 by YouGov found the majority of Brits feel the same way as me (I am not surprised).


  • 28% say it should be illegal to pay for sex.
  • 24% say it should be illegal to work as a prostitute in a private place.

It isn't that Brits want a libertarian free-for-all:

  • 72% say street prostitution should be illegal, and it is.

It is a matter of principle that consenting adults should be able to do what they want with their bodies behind closed doors. 

And under our capitalist system, that should also include exchanging money for personal and intimate services.

It makes no sense that I can massage you ALL OVER with my hands but not involve other parts of my body if we both like the idea of that.

**** please note. I don't offer that extra service I really do only use my hands. But I strongly support the principle that other men and women should be able to do ALL the things with their bodies. ****

It doesn't mean YOU, as an individual, have to get involved in the SEX WORK business as a customer or even approve of it.

Here are some other things that women should be able to do with their bodies if they so choose without state interference regardless of whether other people approve:

  • Have a termination of pregnancy
  • Have cosmetic surgery
  • Decide what she wears
  • Have a tattoo
  • Drink alcohol
  • Consent to medical treatment
  • Choose who she marries or whether not to get married

 Making these things illegal isn't helpful and can be harmful, but guidelines to keep people safe are welcome.

Sunday 22 September 2024

Is it the Right Day to Visit an Independent Masseuse?

 From my point of view there is no explanation or pattern to when men want to visit me.

I jokingly say there is feast or famine, but I have no idea why. 

Generally I'll have no bookings for several days -- a completely open diary -- and then 3 people will all want to visit me at the same time.

And that time will probably when I have a doctors appointment. You know Doctors are rarer than minotaurs, so I won't be cancelling any appointment to see one.

If there was a logical pattern to it, what would it be?

Sundays are a day of rest and what better way to relax?

Or sunny summer days can get one all hot and bothered and send your mind to thinking erotic thoughts.

Or rainy weather ruined all your plans to do stuff outside so now you need to do something different.

Or Friday afternoons should involve winding down at the end of the week.

You may try to work out some logic but really there is none. There is no pattern.

I can't honestly say one day is usually busier or quieter than another.

Thursday 19 September 2024

Full Body Massage or Body-to-Body Erotic Massage

The advertising around sensual massage is full of phrases, acronyms, and jargon.

Only last week, someone contacted me asking for Body-to-Body, which I don't do. They didn't want it anyway; they had just misworded their message to me.

Q: What is a Full Body Massage?

A: It is touching and stimulating your whole body from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. I could touch you anywhere - external only (except for women this might include inside the vagina).

Actually, I don't massage faces though some people do and it is rather nice!

Q: Does a Full Body Massage include genitals?

A: Your private parts are part of your body -- so, yes!

Q: What about the Anus?

A: I don't insert anything into your bum. For men this would be called a prostate massage, which isn't something I offer. There are people who do this specifically.

Q: What is Body-to-Body Massage?

A: Two naked oiled bodies slipping and sliding over each other -- nice, if you like that sort of thing. 

To me, it doesn't sound appealing at all. If you want to be sexually adventurous and try everything on offer that is fine, but don't worry of some things don't sound nice and you don't want to try them.

The only thing I'd add is that to my mind it isn't really massage. I do not offer this. 

You don't have to try everything!

Tuesday 17 September 2024

How Much does it Cost for an Erotic Sensual Massage in the UK?

 I wonder how many people see my advert but quickly scroll past because they see the minimum fee is £160.

Some advertising directories place the minimum fee high in the listing, so it's the first thing you see.

My £160 is alongside many listings that are around £60, which might make you wonder if there is a typo somewhere.

Dig deeper. Take a few minutes to look at the listings. 

The most obvious difference is that my listing is for a 90-minute massage, which takes place within a two-hour time slot. In other words, I charge £80 per hour. The £60 adverts are typically for a 30-minute session. 

It is not that one is better or worse; it is that they are very different things.

On a per-minute basis, the £60 session is more expensive, not cheaper.

But it is like comparing apples and perfume; they aren't the same thing. A quickie is one thing; a relaxed morning is quite different. 


Reassuringly expensive is the phrase that comes to mind.


There are plenty of other differences between services on offer. 

One thing you should know is that many of the people offering massage have minimal or no training in massage. They are making it up as they go along. Some of us are qualified and experienced.

Another thing to check is what is actually on offer. 

For some people, the term "massage" is a euphemism for many sexual services, including full sex. Getting you to do more and pay more might be a part of the process. This should be clear in the advertising, but sometimes it isn't.

I offer a massage. I'm qualified and experienced, and I only use my hands. And there will be no extra charges.


To sum up: 

* In the UK, in 2024, you should expect to pay around £100 per hour for an erotic sensual massage. 

* But you need to do a little more research to make sure you are 100% clear about what is on offer.

Many masseuses have a minimum 2-hour booking slot. Some people offer a 30-minute massage, which will be very different.

Thursday 1 August 2024

experts on erections and why your penis doesn't work

 I like to think of myself as an expert on this subject, through hands on experience, talking to people, and reading.

I wrote a bit on EDF back in May - I highly recommend you read it! But I just stumbled n this article which you might find interesting.


Wednesday 24 July 2024

Tantric Massage in the UK

 I frequently hear from clients that they've had massages at other places with other women and the experience was very different to what they had with me.

Sometimes, NEW-to-me clients will say they know what to expect as they've had a tantric massage before. 

I would warn that the terms MASSAGE or TANTRA can encompass many different types of experience. You may have had a massage or a tantric massage but that doesn't mean it will be anything like the experience available with me.

We are all unique.

Not all massages are the same. 

Not all tantric massages are the same.

One problem is that any woman hoping to earn a little extra money can set up as a tantric massage therapist with no knowledge at all. Tantric and massage being the "KEYWORDS" but almost meaningless.  Some people will offer a massage but actually have no idea how to do it. 

***Stroking, tickling, scratching or sex acts are not massages!!!!***

Partly you get out of it what you put in to it.

When you visit me for an erotic sexy tantric massage, my advice is:

* Get rid of your preconceived ideas and go in openminded.

* As the client you are expected to do nothing so don't try to guide the session.

* As much as possible relax. Close your eyes. Concentrate on your own body or your breathing if that helps.

You aren't in charge! You aren't in control! Enjoy it!

Thursday 18 July 2024

Lingam Massage and Penile Hypospadias

You can read about Hypospadias, but in my job I've had my eyes opened to something that I might have never otherwise known about.

I'm almost 60 years of age and rarely have I come across it mentioned by anyone ever.

I was surprised when I first saw a man ejaculate with the white stuff shooting out of a place far from where I had expected it to emerge. 

I was about 30 years of age then.

Since then I've see so many I've lost count. I have noticed that while most men's slit is on the crown, there isn't a consistent exact location. That opening is all over the place! And sometimes at the ridge rather than within the smoothed dome area.

Even though I've seen thousands, I have still only seen a hand full of dicks with an opening someway down the shaft. I don't know how rare that is but by my own experience it's less than 1 in 1,000; perhaps 5 in 10,000? 

I don't think anyone should be worried about this. 

If a body is healthy and works okay then something a little unusual isn't a big deal.

Tuesday 16 July 2024

What is Erotic Massage and is it Legal in the UK

 An erotic massage is a massage that is sexy and intended to get you aroused.

Exactly what is involved will vary from person to person so my service will not be the same as an erotic massage offered by someone else.

Will you have an orgasm? That is usual.

But is Erotic Massage Legal?

I remember a client calling me to tell me they were approaching my house but there was a police car outside. 

I went to my window to have a look because I had no knowledge of this. They must have been visiting a neighbour.

Police aren't something I worry about because I am not involved in anything criminal.


As of the time of writing (July 2024) yes it is legal for a customer to pay for an erotic massage.

In fact, sexual services are legal in the UK mostly. However, things related to prostitution can be illegal. 

For example:

1) it is legal to pay a person for sex, it is illegal to approach women in the streets offering to pay them for sex.

2) it is legal to pay an adult who has the legal right to work in the UK, it is not legal to engage with traffickers so as to get access to sex slaves and children.

There are thousands of legit sex workers in the UK so you are unlikely to come across traffickers unless you go some very dodgy routes. In particular be very wary of any business where women provide a service but men make the arrangements. 

Monday 15 July 2024

Penis Problems and Massage

 I can't promise that a massage will sooth all your problems away, but whatever issue you may have with your penis, I'll have seen it before. You aren't all that strange.

Sometimes, the problem is all in your head -- the one on top of your shoulders.

I mean, sometimes men think they have a problem just because they don't look like the stud in porn or because they can't perform like they used to when they were 21 years of age.

There are somethings that make you unique and perhaps a quirky unusual penis is one of those things -- that doesn't mean it is a problem. It doesn't have to be a problem unless you let it.

Okay, perhaps you don't want to stand out because of your particular erection -- but it is what it is, so perhaps there are ways to work with what you've got. 

And perhaps it would help if you realised other men have other difficulties to handle.

Here's a list of unique MALEness -- don't let it stop you enjoying your life:


Common problems that men might experience with their penises, which can make sex difficult or embarrassing and affect their self-confidence:

  1. Erectile Dysfunction (ED): Difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection.
  2. Premature Ejaculation: Reaching orgasm too quickly during sex.
  3. Delayed Ejaculation: Difficulty or inability to reach orgasm and ejaculate.
  4. Peyronie's Disease: Development of fibrous scar tissue inside the penis causing curved, painful erections.
  5. Phimosis: Inability to retract the foreskin over the glans penis.
  6. Penile Cancer: A rare form of cancer affecting the skin or tissues of the penis.
  7. Micropenis: An unusually small penis, potentially leading to self-esteem issues.
  8. Penile Hypospadias: Birth defect where the urethral opening is not at the tip of the penis, potentially causing functional and cosmetic concerns.
  9. Low Libido: Reduced sexual desire.
  10. Varicocele: Enlarged veins within the scrotum that can affect testicular function and aesthetics.
  11. Penile Sensitivity: Either reduced sensitivity leading to difficulty in achieving orgasm or increased sensitivity leading to discomfort.
  12. Aesthetic Concerns: Worries about the appearance of the penis, including size, shape, or skin conditions like warts or moles.
  13. Anorgasmia: Difficulty reaching orgasm despite sufficient stimulation.
  14. Retrograde Ejaculation: Semen entering the bladder instead of exiting through the penis during ejaculation.
  15. Psychological Factors: Anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues affecting sexual performance and confidence.
  16. Performance Anxiety: Fear of not performing well sexually, which can lead to ED or other sexual dysfunctions.
  17. Penile Trauma: Injury to the penis, which can cause pain, deformity, and difficulty with sexual function.
  18. Hormonal Imbalances: Low testosterone levels affecting libido and sexual performance.
  19. Penile Curvature: Natural curvature of the penis that might make certain sexual positions difficult or painful.
  20. Cultural or Religious Guilt: Feelings of shame or guilt about sexual activity due to cultural or religious beliefs.

Do go seek medical advice when you need it.

* Go see a GP or a nurse.

* If you are not sure then call 111 - it might be easier talking to a stranger over the phone at first.

* Or seek help via the NHS sexual health services NHS sexual health services.

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Sensual Massage in Warm Room in East Cheshire

 I can't believe I have the heating set to come on automatically each morning for a little while.

Not at home! I quite like the fresh hurricane blasting through my living quarters and my inner sanctum staying below 20C.

But at work - in my massage studio - it's essential I keep it warm for the comfort of my clients. A few degrees warmer than my home.

Of course the heated bed helps.

Well, I'm available 7 days a week, though I will be away for about 7 days in the summer when I hope we'll have less rain and wind.

 It is July! I think we were looking at record breaking temperatures in the high 30s this time last year. I'm one of the weird people who'd rather have it like this than that.

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Erotic massage near me in Staffordshire/Cheshire

 And up I pop.

I'm not all things for all people. Don't call me expecting a sales patter to convince you to visit me.

I won't tell you I am beautiful or promise you the moon on a stick.

I can tell you I do one thing and ne thing only.

I am very good at that one thing.

If you are looking for this one thing then you will be pleased you visited me.

If you are expecting something else that isn't mentioned on my website then you really should turn away.

Most men ** get it** but some think there is a Magic secret that will only be revealed later. Perhaps they need to offer more money or turn up and try to grope me. 

There's no secret.

I use my hands and hope you will close your eyes and open your mind. Relax and let the magic happen.

That's all.

There's no incense.

No drugs.

No special prayers.

You can keep your religion and I will keep my clothes on.

Thursday 9 May 2024

Erections and Orgasms After Prostate Removal

The news was a shock, and going through the procedure was tough. Your first information point should be the medical team that looks after you.

But of course, you want to talk to me about it.

Lots of men do.

I see them before and after the operation - soon after and years after.

Things You Should Know About Sex, Erections, And Orgasms After a Prostatectomy

I see men who come to me after having this major life-changing surgery with so many questions. Here's what I want you to know.

  1. It does not have to be the end of your sex life.
  2. You might have erections again, but give it time. Expect a slow recovery.
  3. But you have to work at that recovery - use itstimulate it - don't neglect it and expect it to work in 3 years' time (honestly, I met men who do this).
  4. You can have orgasms without erections - it is incredible to me how many men don't know this.

I regularly see men who orgasm without an erection - it isn't unusual.

Your Partner - You can still have sexy times and pleasure your partner without an erection - it's time to get imaginative, and your partner will love it! At the very least, you should be using your mouth and your fingers as a big part of your sex life with your life-long love partner.

Your Pleasure -- It might be time to learn new things about your body as you enter this new phase in your life. But it isn't over. It's an exciting new journey with lots of good and amazing times ahead.

My last blog was on the subject of erectile dysfunction, you might want to take a look at it.

On the subject of post-prostate:

Monday 6 May 2024

Massage And Erectile Disfunction

If there is one issue that is the top of the list of concerns for my clients it is erectile disfunction (EDF) of one form or another,

Yes, there are many different forms. 

  • Some have had a prostate operation and have EDF as a side effect.
  • Some men can't get hard.
  • Some can't stay hard for long.
  • Some wish they got harder...
  • Some worry too much about their performance in the bedroom.
  • Some wish they got bigger... perhaps that's another story.

Where there's a problem there is a Snake-Oil Salesman ready to sell you an (expensive) FAST miracle cure.

Speaking of oil, you may have heard massage or oil or massage with oil will solve all your problems.

There is NO scientific evidence to support the claim that any kind of oil can cure erectile dysfunction (ED). Just do not waste your time with "essential oils" to harden your rod....

Having said that, you want to get to and treat the root cause of your problem and oils might help with that -- even if it's a placebo effect.

Forget oils.

ED is a complex condition with various potential causes including physiological, psychological, and lifestyle factors. Treatment typically involves addressing underlying health issues, lifestyle changes, and sometimes medications or other medical interventions.

  • Sometimes it really is all in the mind. 
  • And another thing can be if you don't lose it you use it.  

but don't leave it to chance... the symptoms might be due to medical reasons that can be treated.

If you're experiencing ED, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional - that's what I'm going to tell you when I meet you.

Nevertheless, many clients are helped by seeing me first, knowing they can talk to me in confidence about their myriad concerns.

I want to set your mind at rest.

The chances are it's NO BIG DEAL [sorry about the pun] it's temporary and can be resolved.

Some clients have visited me: 

  • to test whether their EDF issues are something they only experience with their current partner.
  • due to concerns about being intimate with a new person when they start dating after a long period of celibacy
  • are already being treated for the health condition that causes EDF
  • are on medicine that causes EDF
  • They have recently had an operation related to their EDF.

Whatever your issue, it isn't unique.

I can't cure the problem but 

may be able to set your mind at rest and

I am someone to talk to about your concerns.

Saturday 4 May 2024

Feeling Guilty About Sexuality? Embrace nature and loving touch!

It makes no sense to feel guilty about normal physical urges that don't harm anyone else.

Unfortunately, we live in a repressive society that makes people feel guilty for the way their bodies and minds naturally work.

Sensitive nerve endings cover our bodies.

Our skin responds to touch -- it craves it.

The pandemic taught us how important human connection is - reaching out for physical comfort in person.

People shouldn't be lonely and isolated when there is no reason for it.

What if you don't have a spouse? Does that mean you should suppress your natural desires and resign yourself to loneliness? 


Companionship and physical intimacy shouldn't be reserved solely for those in long term romantic relationships. 

Human beings are inherently social creatures, and we all crave connection in one form or another.

Fortunately, there are countless ways to fulfill our need for human interaction and physical touch.

Friends, family, and platonic relationships can provide immense emotional support and physical comfort. Hugs, cuddles, and friendly gestures are not exclusive to romantic partners—they are expressions of human connection that can be shared among friends, acquaintances, and even strangers.

Moreover, society's obsession with romantic love as the ultimate source of fulfillment overlooks the richness of other types of relationships. Platonic love, self-love, and community bonds are valuable and rewarding. 

But sometimes, all your friends, family, and social groups aren't enough and cannot give you what you need.

Instead of feeling guilty or ashamed for our natural desires, we should embrace them as part of our humanity. 

Prioritize well-being and happiness without succumbing to societal pressures or judgment. After all, life is too short to deny the joy of human connection and the pleasures of physical touch.

Of course, - I am not advocating you break the shackles and commit crimes - if your urges do involve harming others or do involve something criminal in your location, then seek some other kind of help.

Wednesday 27 March 2024

Booking a Sensual Massage at the end of March

 Don't forget the clocks change for British Summer Time.

In other words Time Springs Forwards.

You might lose an hour's sleep???

Or why not just allow yourself some extra sleep this weekend. No pressure! Relax. Set yourself up for summer.

A good many of my clients fall asleep at the end of their session with me. We nneed more relaxation time in this hectic world.

Friday 15 March 2024

North Staffordshire Sensual Massage

 How far would you travel for a sexy erotic massage? 

Perhaps it isn't measured in miles but in time.

I'm near the M6 but it can get so snarled up you might be stuck on there for (what seems like) days.

As I'm at Alsager, the A50 and the A34 aren't all that far away. I prefer to stick to the A roads myself.

I don't know how far you would travel but i see clients from far far away.

Often those coming hundreds of miles or more have planed ahead and worked out that I'm on their route from one place to another.

However I see a fair number of people who travel over an hour just to see me, which reminds me of how important and unique is the service that I provide.

I suppose I should say there are very rare occasions I will cancel, which include ill health in the family or being snowed in. It happens sometimes. We can usually predict the weather at least a day in advance.

Thursday 7 March 2024

A new spring thing

 The brighter sky and longer days may have put you in the mood to try an erotic massage or new sensual touch... it certainly lightens the mood and just makes us feel more cheerful.

Spring is natures time for renewal and new growth so an obvious time to push your boundaries and try something new.

I asked Chatgpt to write a poem about it, but I have to conclude it isn't going to be getting a  Poet Laureate position any time soon.

Of all the seasons, spring's the one, Where nature's urges cannot be undone. With a twinkle in the robin's eye, And a blush on the tulip nearby.

In the meadow, where daisies sway, Spring's sensuality comes out to play. The sun caresses the earth's warm skin, As desire ignites with a mischievous grin.

Butterflies flutter in a delicate dance, While rabbits frolic in a passionate trance. The bees buzz with an amorous hum, As springtime seduction begins to drum.

The breeze whispers secrets in the trees, As petals fall like love's guarantees. The scent of blossoms fills the air, A symphony of sensuality beyond compare.

So let's embrace this season's call, And surrender to spring's sensual thrall. For in the dance of life's grand play, Springtime's passion holds sway!

Tuesday 13 February 2024

Sexy Valentines Day for Single Older Men

 Do all those pink and red hearts get you hot and bothered even when it's close to freezing outside?

Or do they hurt your heart?

Make you feel lonely?

Remind you of the love of your life who isn't around?

There's no better time to come visit me in Cheshire for personal pampering than when the media and shops are promoting romance! In my working world, I promise a complete absence of fluffy, sugary, pink candyfloss themes.

If you are perpetually single - and like it that way - and don't relate to this holiday.

You aren't the only one - you are in good company.

Or divorced

Or widowed

Or bereaved 

and grieving

You aren't alone

You always have — you.

The person with you through the good times and the bad, the one who's always there for you: YOU!

I recommend personal self-indulgent pampering, which I'm sure you deserve.

Thursday 8 February 2024

I am no Goddess: Erotic Massage & The Spirit & Religion

I'm just an ordinary middle aged English woman who has always tried to live a good and honest life - to get by, pay my bills, and look after my family. Who has always wanted to improve the world and help people. 

And a person who has faults and weaknesses and has made mistakes - so MANY mistakes.

I'm probably a lot like you!

I wonder about the meaning of it all.

I have some answers but more questions!

When you visit me I'm not going to impose my thoughts and interpretations of the world onto you. My clients come from all walks of life, all nationalities, all religions. Many are business men and leaders in the community. Some are a little bit famous in their particular field.

No one has it all sorted.

We all have doubts, concerns, and fears.

SEXUALITY is a big mystery for some people who have managed great success in many areas of their life.

I meet men who have focused on some areas of life and neglected others.

SEXUALITY often isn't talked about. It's neglected. And it gets wrapped up in shame.

That's a great shame.

We are sexual creatures.

If you are religious then you can be sure God made you that way, gave you sexuality, gave you those urges. And you can be sure your spouse has needs as well.

If you're not religious, perhaps you have a logical mind and don't want to be dominated by "base" desires but the bother you nonetheless. 

But we seek pleasure, and comfort, food and safety because these are the things that keep us alive and make life worth living. 

We ALL value the things we enjoy.

...perhaps you enjoy sports, or music, or having fun and great food with your friends and family. 

...well, your sexuality should be another source or joy.

And if you want that joy in your life but aren't finding it, then perhaps you need help to discover it.

* People benefit from being sexually satisfied. 

* And happy satisfied people make for a better society.

People come to me for what I can do with my hands - the 90 minute sexy massage - the thrill, the experiment, the relief.

Some people come because of their problems - especially, most often trouble with erections or orgasms and ejaculation.

But I'm an experienced counsellor with a mountain of knowledge on the subject of sex and sexuality and I'm happy to talk and listen in confidence.

Ten years ago I wrote this blog about Tantric Massage & spirituality. Today I notice a typo in it! Oh well.

Thursday 1 February 2024

Have You Got the Time for A Tantric Massage?

I pencil in 2 hours for each session because my clients are in my place for 2 hours on average. The actual full body massage is 90 minutes. 

I've done it thousands of times so I can be certain 90 minutes is a good amount of time and I tell my clients that's what they should expect. I have done longer and shorter sessions in the past, so experience tells me 90 minutes is best for the way I work, and it suits most clients.

Looking for a Quick Tantric Session?

I'm sure it is possible. But it is not something I want to offer.

I think people who ask for A QUICKIE are looking for something else. They are looking for hand relief and perhaps they are on a limited budget. 

But that's not what I'm offering.

One Hour Lingam Massage

Some people say they only have an hour to spare. An hour isn't long enough. And the service I offer isn't something you squeeze into a spare hour in a busy day. You want to have free time after your session, not rush back to work.

30 minutes! Do You Just want a Hand Job?

A hand job is a part of it but it isn't the whole of it. 

It's like you can go to the Chip Shop and buy a bag of chips but in a restaurant chips would be the side order and you'd spend a longer amount of time enjoying all of the flavours and textures building up to a delicious pudding.

Actually, perhaps a cake would have been a better example than chips. You can go to a shop and just buy cake. or you can go to a restaurant and eat a meal which costs more, takes longer, and satisfies you in a different way.

You will find people offering a 30 minute or 1 hour sexy massage/ tantric massage/ or lingam massage. And they may well offer a wonderful service. But it will not be the same thing. 

Wednesday 17 January 2024

Tantric Massage in Staffordshire, West Midlands, UK

 Where are you? I'm here, where are you?

I'm located on the geographical border of Staffordshire and Cheshire, which puts me within reach of 2 regions: The West Midlands and The North West.

It's tricky. Say you're in the North West and people think Manchester, or Birmingham for the West Midlands. I'm not in either of those cities and it's a fair trek from both of them. But I do get visitors regularly from: Wigan, Liverpool, Wolverhampton, Manchester, Stoke-on-Trent, and Stafford.

Guys travel to see me and will work me in to their route when they travel for business.

I don't travel far but I do have to travel to work so I won't be working when we're snowed in and I don't want to encourage you to take to the roads then either.